Periodical updates

PHMHydro updates 2023

Work package updates

WP 1 – Generalised architecture for containerised performance and health analytics of Hydroelectric power plants [Lead:NORCE, Partners: UiA, Å Energi]

  • Initial survey on data models and shortlisting suitable solutions for Hydropower applications. 
  • Preparation of data model suitable for hydropower performance and condition assessment under way. 

WP 2 – Low-cost solutions for hydro turbine condition monitoring and health assessment [Lead: NORCE, Partners: UiA, Volue IoT, Å Energi]

  • Mapping failure modes across components of turbine. 
  • Prepared review paper on predictive maintenance methods for hydropower turbines – to be submitted to a journal. 
  • Identified sensors, sensing locations, and data acquisition solutions for turbine condition monitoring along with Volue IoT and Å Energi.
  • Shortlisted vibration and acoustic emission as the two sensing modalities to be tested. 
  • Plan prepared for initial installations and data collection through 2024-2025. 

WP 3 – Condition monitoring and health assessment for large generators [ Lead: UiA, Partners: Volue IoT, Å Energi, NORCE,]

  • PhD candidate started 1st of Sep 2023. 
  • Prepared PhD project plan on hydropower generator condition monitoring . Approved by PPCE  (PhD Program Committee in Engineering) at UiA. 
  • Identified sensors, sensing locations, and data acquisition solutions for generator condition monitoring along with Volue IoT and Å Energi.
  • Preparation of hi-fidelity finite element models for hydropower generator in progress.
  • Conference paper on hydropower generator finite element model, published as a poster. 

WP 4 – Performance analytics for Hydroelectric powerplant components [Lead: Å Energi, Partners: UiA] 

  • Initial survey on efficiency assessment methods performed and suitable methodology for Rykene Kraftverk identified. 
  • Existing instrumentation and sensing gaps identified. 
  • Analyzed historical data (for the past 5 years) from the powerplant for data quality, continuity, and ability to detect abnormal operations.  
  • Prepared plan for installation of new sensors for pressure monitoring to be done during May 2024.

Other activities

  • 3 visits to Rykene  Krafverk in 2023 towards understanding the plant layout, identifying existing instrumentation, need for new sensors and sensing locations.
  • 2 masters students at UiA prepared Masters Theses on related topics 
  • 2 interns at NORCE ( 2023-2024) on development of hi-fidelity models for hydro turbines. 
  • Attended Vgbe ‘Digitalization in Hydropwoer’ expert event  in Zurich in November 2023. (Surya, WP4)
  • Participated in  Pan European Network (PEN @ Hydropower) COST action. 
  • Attended Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) in Hydropower as part of exploitation.